Friday, July 26, 2019

Avon Products or GE Money America Case Study Term Paper

Avon Products or GE Money America Case Study - Term Paper Example These issues convince the public and economists that the CEO of Avon Products, Sherilyn McCoy and the rest of the organisation may fail to resuscitate the company's dwindling fortunes, despite McCoy's exemplary leadership record at Johnson & Johnson and other pharmaceuticals (Goldsmith and Carter, 10). At the same time, the company's need for change and restructuring is based on the very company's uncertainty. This is because, despite the qualifications and performance track record that McCoy possesses, yet it is true that Sherilyn McCoy lacks experience which is directly related to sales. In the same wavelength, McCoy's unfamiliarity with the Avon Products' business model means that she will have to face a seriously steep learning curve (Goldsmith and Carter, 16). It is also pointed out that Avon Products lacks adequate and proper resources and manpower to make it in a dynamic market that is graced with seasoned companies such as L'Oreal, for competitors. 2. Identifying the Model fo r Change Theory Typified In the Case Study of Choice The model that can best change theory that is likely to help Avon Products' situation is the planned model. Change theory will also readily necessitate the need to take on the use of decision theory. This is because decision theory suggests that people satisfice during decision making, as collective participation during decision making amplifies room for change. According to Rossotti, this recommendation above involves making plans for changes that need to be developed in order to: define measurable goals; outline the strategic factors that are determinants of success; detail the steps that are to be taken in organisational implementation; and outlining the manner in which commitment is to be realised from chief decision makers (Rossotti, 75). In regard to the proposition above, it will be important that Avon Products refocuses its energies and focus on its client base. This proposition is necessitated by the fact that Avon Produc ts is clearly turning away from focusing on market-centred exploits. It is only by following the change theory strategy that Avon Products will be able to effectively use emerging social media and technologies to make operations more customer-centric. This exploit will help the company identify the most valuable strategies such as direct contacts with potential and prospective client. Discussing Factors That Led To the Identification of the Model Chosen There are several factors that qualify the need to choose the change/ decision theory. The most fundamental of these reasons is the manner in which market trends are becoming too pervasive to be ignored in market competition. Particularly, the online social media has become an indispensible tool in for sales and marketing. The number of consumers who are buying cosmetics and perfumes online continues to increase by the day, and Avon Products must not ignore this phenomenon. Avon Products' arch rivals such as L'Oreal, Sephora, Beauty, Mary Kay and Drugstore have already gone to online marketing as a way of netting in a bigger clients' base. Avon Products' successful initiatives of developing e-catalogues and android and iPhone applications are not enough to net clients in social media, and those on tablets and smart phones. This will call for the application of change theory in Avon Products' chain and systems policy of communication.

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